Places & Spaces
I am happy to announce that the MACE taxonomy visualization I did a few years ago will be part of this year’s Places and Spaces exhibition. For this occasion, I brushed up the original graphic a bit (most notably somehow managed to export a somewhat editable pdf from Flash with AlivePDF), and added some explanations, and voila, here is the poster:
Feel free to print it yourself (CC BY-NC-SA):
download portrait version (pdf)
download landscape version (pdf)
Symposium: Living with information
I am excited to announce the following symposium at FH Potsdam:
The symposium »Living with Information: Architecture and Visualization« (October 16 , 2009 at FH Potsdam) will juxtapose experiences and results from the MACE project with thoughts and design approaches from practitioners in the fields of design, architecture and technology. Guided by five central questions, we will explore future trends in information visualization, the relationship of visualization tools and creativity plus issues like information over- and underload.
I am really looking forward to the unique speaker combination we put together:
- Miguel Cardoso from bestiario,
- Paolo Ciuccarelli from Politecnico Milano /density design,
- Georgi Kobilarov from FU Berlin / dbpedia,
- Norbert Palz (CV + info) and
- Andrew Vande Moere from!
In addition, Prof. Boris Müller and I will provide a rear-mirror view and outlook of our activities related to the MACE project… A wide spectrum, but hopefully all held together by the central issue of the workshop and the five questions we prepared for the speakers.
Hope to see you there – register soon – space is limited!
On a related note, the Potsdam–based W3C office opens on the day before, which should be quite interesting, too.
MACE portal update
We recently launched a whole new version of the MACE portal. MACE (Metadata for Architectural Contents in Europe) is a pan-european initiative to interconnect and disseminate digital information about architecture. The idea is to connect and enrich various databases containing eLearning material for architectural contents and to connect and make them accessible in novel ways. The project is co-funded by the European commission. If you are more interested in the background of the project, you can also view our info page here. Personally, I am working half of my time on this project here at FH Potsdam.
So, let me give you a little overview of the portal:
→ read more