More visualization videos! The See#3 conference organized by Scholz&Volkmer took place in Wiesbaden this weekend, and luckily the streams are online. The speaker list includes Dr. Fritz Reusswig, Frank van Ham, Ben Fry, Julien de Smedt, Zachary Lieberman + Bruce Sterling.
Visualizing a hierarchical glossary
For the EU project MACE, I have been experimenting with hierarchical visualizations.
Just the quick link for now, I hope I find the time to share some of the background and findings later…
On a related note: 9 days left to hand in your papers and take part in a great conference this autumn!
Linz talk
I am back from a little excursion to the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for media art research in Linz. I gave a talk on visualization and my master’s thesis.
Here are the slides (german). Most of the external references are linked (click on the pictures).
Thanks to Mario Röhrle and Dietmar Offenhuber for the invitation!
Blast from the past
Hey, I didn’t notice: The Innovationsforum Interaktionsdesign videos are online.
Great talks from one year ago – find my old comments here.