xtopia video online
Happy new year everyone!
The video from my (german) xtopia talk is online. You need either the silverlight browser plugin to play it back, or you can download a high res version directly (144MB). And here are the slides.
Update: Here it is on vimeo as well. More web-friendly.
I speak about my work for the MACE project, and other ongoing work as well as some of the US election visualizations. The talk was fun and also received quite well; in the audience evaluation, I scored 7.88 (out of 9) for presentation style, 8.33 for competence, 7.85 for content of the presentation and 6.82 for business relevance.
In other news, things are a bit cumbersome at the moment, because I broke my leg and this will take a while to heal… But, it gives me the time to work on my portfolio page, which should be online soon.
SEED mag – State of science
Seed magazine features a short text and interview about my work as part of the informatics chapter of their state of science 2008 dossier. Nice!
The PAGE on interactive visualization
PAGE magazine 05.08 has a title story on interactive visualization. Thanks to Jens Franke for the nice article and featuring some of my works and blurbs under the headline “Die jungen Visionäre” (“the young visionaries”).
Reminds me that this site needs a portfolio section.
I’m in yr bookz…
… visualizing your tags :)
The “Tagging” book by Gene Smith is out. I am still awaiting a paper copy, but had a chance to look at the online version already. It looks really comprehensive, concise and covering all important tagging concepts. Which is not easy for such a moving target topic.
Besides, my elastic tag maps visualization is featured on p.102f. Nice!
Best Masters Thesis
My thesis was awarded a price for the best Masters Thesis at our university. Although the competition was not that large, I am proud nevertheless. I should be pretty much unstoppable now :)