Talk at BTK today
Short notice: I will re-play my xtopia talk from yesterday today at BTK Berlin at 5pm. Partly presenting my own work, plus a discussion of visualizations around the US presidential elections.
Update: Slides are online. Will upload the missing videos (blank slides) soonish on vimeo. Please excuse the funky template, that was part of the xtopia requirements…
VizThink ’08
I will have a session at VizThink ’08 about visual tools for the socio-semantic web.
You can find a podcast interview with me about the session and ongoing work here.
The (preliminary) session abstract reads
In this break-out session at VizThink 08, Moritz Stefaner will present visual strategies to understand and discuss emergent information architectures in the web. Phenomena like the mainstream acknowledgement of the web as a social platform, and the first steps towards a semantic web (as envisioned by Tim Berners-Lee a decade ago) demand for new approaches to information handling. Following the research agenda for web science, visualization can not only help to understand these emrging structures, but also to shape and steer interface design. We will discuss and criticize existing and cutting-edge approaches to search and browsing of resources and the visualization of conceptual structures.
So, I planned to show some of my thesis work, and on-going work like the MACE project, and make some general positions statements about where things should head in this area. But the rest is pretty open – for those attending – what are you interested in? Happy about short comments!
Btw: If you plan to register, use the discount code DCFF23 to get 50 € discount!