May 17th, 2010

Elastic Lists, revisit: open source!

In the past, I have profited immensely from using open source projects, foremost flare, but also many other libraries. I would like to give something back by open sourcing my favorite toy, the Elastic Lists project on github:

Have fun with it! Please keep in mind I am not a developer by training and these are side projects. Especially excuse the sketchy documentation. So if you start working with the code, and run into issues, feel free to file bug reports or add questions to the FAQ.

Heck, and while I am at it, why not publish revisit as well:

5 Responses to 'Elastic Lists, revisit: open source!'

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  1. Terrance A. Snyder
    May 30th, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    Thanks for making this post. I have been recently working with Microsoft Pivot ( and found it to be too constricting for my needs.

    As I work in the financial sector as an IT engineer for a medium sized company I am one of those cubical developers – I am trying to change things – no more 1990 style interfaces – your contribution has made my life easier.

    If I find any bugs or if there are any additions I’ll be sure to contribute back, but, for now, thanks for your contribution.

  2. @Lab « Tech Tock
    July 21st, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    […] NY Times Article, Nobel Prize Winners, Prix Ars Electronica, Interactive Art, Social Media (in German) Elastic List Open Source Project […]

  3. hg7’s blog » Blog Archive » Elastic lists
    September 17th, 2010 at 9:34 am

    […] May 2010 the source code was made available online, as noted on the programmers blog and e.g. on  Flowing […]

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