January 24th, 2008

I’m in yr bookz…

… visualizing your tags :)


The “Tagging” book by Gene Smith is out. I am still awaiting a paper copy, but had a chance to look at the online version already. It looks really comprehensive, concise and covering all important tagging concepts. Which is not easy for such a moving target topic.

Besides, my elastic tag maps visualization is featured on p.102f. Nice!

2 Responses to 'I’m in yr bookz…'

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  1. Bero
    January 25th, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    Oh no! I gotta rewrite my whole thesis bibliography! :o)

  2. Hannes
    February 24th, 2008 at 5:23 pm

    Hey, congratulations!
    Of course, this is only the first step towards your own book, I assume?

    Btw: During my research, I found your animated visualisations presented as outstanding examples on the blog of Pete Warden